
ProQuo sits down with: Work.Life

Written by Ruby Arenson, Senior Content Manager | May 12, 2021 9:42:27 AM

Work.Life are reinvigorating the workspace category through an emphasis on happiness. They understand there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to working, but they're doing their best to create fun environments that people actually enjoy going into every day. Forget bleak offices, their spaces are bright, friendly and inviting, and once you’ve tried one, you won’t ever want to leave.


After an unexpected year of office closures and remote working, we were eager to catch up with one of the most successful brands on ProQuo, Work.Life to see how they’ve adapted their strategies during the pandemic, and to find out what exciting developments they’ve got in the pipeline.


In this exclusive interview between Ruby Arenson, Content Writer at ProQuo and Jessica Ching, Work.Life’s Inbound Marketing Manager, we explore how Work.Life has differentiated within its category, what to expect from their new digital campaign, and why the ProQuo partnership has been so beneficial.


ProQuo: Hi Jess, I'm so excited to have you here! I’d love to find out more about Work.Life. Can you tell me how your brand has differentiated itself from its competition?


Work.Life: Workspace isn’t necessarily the most fun or exciting sector - but that’s where we’re different! We believe that offices don’t need to be grey, boring or uninspiring. We’re in the business of creating happy workspaces for companies that care about their employees, and this translates into smaller spaces, where everyone knows each other, and there’s a real sense of community. We try to encapsulate this same feeling in our brand, which is happy, positive and welcoming.


ProQuo: That’s great to hear. And how has Work.Life coped during the pandemic? Have you had to adapt your strategies due to office closures?


Work.Life: This year, we’ve moved our business activities online, maintaining our community spirit, even when our spaces are empty. We think this year will benefit us in the future because there’s now more of an emphasis on flexibility. As workers start to use their offices less, they may be seeking an alternative to their home setup. So, why not swap out your kitchen table for a dynamic, exciting space, where you can collaborate with colleagues, meet new people or network?


ProQuo: Exactly! And you have an upcoming campaign that launched today? I'm dying to know more about it.


Work.Life: Yes, it’s so exciting! With this campaign, we’re looking to increase our brand awareness, saliency and memorability, and ProQuo has really helped with these goals. When planning the campaign, we used the platform to map out spaces for disruption, identifying areas our biggest competitors were underperforming in. This is how we noticed our category was focused on rational needs, and it's why we’ve chosen to position ourselves to be more emotional. We’re focusing mainly on the Driver, Differentiation, and this is reflected through our campaign, which is unique, edgy and eye-catching.


ProQuo: I've seen your campaign on CreativeLab and am a huge fan! Can you tell me more about how you used CreativeLab to optimize your digital assets?


Work.Life: CreativeLab was brilliant for optimizing our creative ideas. We uploaded 3 different digital assets, all similar concepts, based around how our users felt after visiting our spaces. What I needed was more confidence on our imagery, messaging and sound. CreativeLab provided this, giving us a better understanding of how real people responded to our ads. With its advice, we made key decisions on our assets, choosing images that had people in them, confirming our core messages, and selecting the type of music to go with. Our ProQuo Score is projected to increase by 6 after our campaign, so we’re really pleased with the result!



ProQuo: That’s a huge result, well done! Before ProQuo how would you have optimized these creatives before going live?


Work.Life: We wouldn’t have been able to. We haven’t focused on a brand campaign in the same way before, and now we have, we’re never going back! Sometimes as a Marketing team you get wrapped up in details and lose sight of the big picture. Having real customer feedback has been really helpful, and we have made many key decisions on our brand based off the ProQuo feedback.


What you don’t get with a lot of other platforms is the exact real-time data that ProQuo has. This helped us so much when we changed our logo. We wanted to understand if it had an impact on our consumers and being able to see on a granular level, day-to-day detail, and how it affects our consumers is huge. It helped us to drill down into any problems, and act reactively, reviewing and making amends in the moment for maximum impact.


ProQuo: That’s so good to hear. And are you using ProQuo to develop your ongoing brand strategy?


Work.Life: Definitely! Having this information to hand will be so useful for our co-founders, as measuring brand ROI is notoriously difficult to do. We are using the platform daily to review our ongoing progress and to gain key metrics, including prompted and unprompted awareness. These numbers will be great for people in the business who are less marketing focused and more interested in figures and data.


ProQuo: And have you tried ProQuo’s new AI Brand Guidance? Did you know the platform now serves custom action-plans, completely tailored to your brand’s individual growth goals? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!”


Work.Life: I’m so glad you asked this! We’re so excited to try it. We’ve already got our goals in mind. We think it'll be perfect for small companies like ours, where brand tracking is a new focus area.