
Your consumer insights will be stronger if...

Written by Ruby Arenson, Senior Content Manager | Nov 28, 2022 10:04:19 AM

In the tech-centric world we live in, everything is instant – from the news we consume to our methods of communication.


You can now track virtually anything in real-time, including fitness habits, period cycles and sleep patterns.


So why aren’t we gathering our intelligence in the same way?


We still collect consumer insights in a largely manual way, with a reliance on static Dips into the market and carrying out fieldwork which can take weeks to return results.


These slow-paced methods cannot keep up with the fast-paced lives of our consumers or the way in which external changes in the environment impact their habits.   


If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you’ll have to embrace newer methods of data capture. Namely, real-time data collection.


Why is the current landscape limited?


Dips look at a single, fixed point in time.


What they fail to do is track how consumers’ needs change over time, or how these needs are impacted by external factors and events.



This means you can’t see how categories and competitors change dynamically. Understanding this is crucial, as it will help you to identify whether the changes you’re seeing across your brand are a result of a category shift or are unique to you.


Change is inevitable in today’s fast-moving world. This is why real-time brand data has never been more vital.


Technology has now enabled brands to track their performance against their competitors and category, on an always-on basis.


This means:

  • Always being on the front foot – identifying the newest trends and knowing whenever your competitors make a move.
  • Speed to Market – being the first to react when things change in your market.
  • More predictive data – accessing implicit consumer data, so you can predict how they will behave in the future.   


How can you increase the accuracy of your data collection?


There’s no use selecting people who never plan on purchasing your products.


Make sure your sample is only made up of the consumers who have or could intend to have, reason to buy your category.


To achieve a representative sample, it’s important to ensure your sample is made up of a similar breakdown to your target audience.


This allows you to make sure that the data you collect is representative of the market and that any decisions you make, will be relevant for your customers.


ProQuo can help with this.


Our platform has changed the game for Consumer Insights teams, as they can now collect data on their consumers in real-time.


In a nutshell, ProQuo is a consumer intelligence platform, which tracks brands, categories and their competitors, live.


Insights teams at Unilever, SC Johnson, Amazon and Expedia are using ProQuo to access real-time consumer insights on their brand, enabling them to move faster and partner closer with their marketing team.




How does this differ to traditional market research?  


Our approach is more innovative than the traditional big players, like Kantar, Millward Brown or Ipsos. From the first day your subscription is live, we collect feelings on your brand, category, and competitors from approximately 400 people. This gives you a clear and representative understanding of your consumers from the start. Thereafter, we talk to a minimum of 30 people about your brand daily.


Old school survey methods give you a choice between infrequent surveys with a large sample (often only 4, 2 or 1 times per year) and frequent surveys with a small sample.


At ProQuo, we're the only consumer intelligence system to master live, implicit measurement of consumer feelings at scale. Our platform tracks your brand in real-time, provides quantitative feedback on creative assets in under 24 hours and delivers automated performance reporting for your business.


The measurements we receive daily accumulate to over 1,000 consumers per month.


This means you always know how your consumers are feeling about you right now - and how these feelings change, live.


How can this impact your brand?


With ProQuo, you’ll always:


  • Be the first to know what your competitors and category are up to
  • Be quickest to react to changes in the market
  • Be on the pulse with your consumers – able to accurately predict future behavior.


Read more about the ProQuo platform here.