
Outsmart the Competition with Real-Time Analysis

What would you do with 24/7 analysis of how people feel about your brand, competition and category?

Harness the power of rich, relevant, and timely data to take control of the future of your brand with ProQuo AI.

competitive driver scores


Know how people feel about your brand & your competition, live

Get a daily view of how your brand performs versus your competition. Our real-time analysis will tell you, every day, where your brand stands. That means you can be sure that every decision you’re making is having a positive impact on the people you care about.

Understand how the needs of your customers change over time

Identify key growth opportunities for your brand as needs change and be the first to know when white-space opportunities appear for serious disruption. Segment your data with demographic breakdowns to better understand your customers and give clarity to your next marketing campaign.

See how it works




See exactly how your marketing is performing with real-time analysis

Take the uncertainty out of running a brand and understand exactly how the decisions you’re making are leading to success. With live monitoring, you can see the immediate impact of any campaign or any decision you make on your brand. Get certain about your marketing’s ROI.

Monitor and grow your brand’s awareness proactively

Keep your brand front-of-mind and transform it from market contender to household name. Our daily brand awareness monitoring is available for your brand and any number of competitors in your category.


commercial data overlay


Commercial data overlays

Bring your own data to supercharge your performance analysis. Overlay your sales volume, or just about any other time-scale data to correlate with trends in your ProQuo scores.

Monitor your brand's performance


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